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No Sew Sock Bunnies


Do you have a bunch of unmatched socks and don’t know what to do with them? You can use them to make this cute bunny craft in 5 minutes! Absolutely NO sewing involved! It’s an easy craft for kids and teens. They also make fun easter crafts for adults too! Let’s “hop” to it! Also remember to wash your hands before starting and whenever possible use ingredients in the house to avoid going out.  And last but not least, HAVE FUN!

Materials Needed:
  • Un matched socks

  • Uncooked rice (1 cup per bunny)

  • Rubber bands

  • Black sharpie marker

  • Pretty ribbon (optional)

  • Scissors

What To Do: 
  • Take the sock and place it over a tall glass so it’s easy to fill with rice

  • Take the rubber band to close the top

  • Add a second rubber band to make head and body shape/tie between the head and body

  • Use a third rubber band to create the tail

  • Using the excess of the sock, cut in half to create two ears (the longer they are the more floppy the ears will be on the bunny)

  • Take the sharpie and draw bunny eyes and noes (draw an x)

  • Tie ribbon or other craft supplies in your home!

Let’s see your creation! Show us what you’ve created by tagging us on social media using the tag #CQCampIn or emailing us at Happy Crafting!

Your Friends at CQ.


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