Safety First! Make sure to tell your caregiver what activity your starting and ask for help when needed!
Materials Needed
Paper or Plastic Cups (3-7)
Construction Paper (Black, Orange)
White Paper
Black Marker
Optional: Googly Eyes
What to Do
Gather all your materials
Set up your crafting station
Use your tracing templates and marker to trace out the different shapes on to paper.
With an adult cut out the shapes.
Glue the shapes onto your cups.
Draw on your eyes or glue on googly eyes.
Find some pairs of socks and roll them up into balls.
Set-up your penguin cups up on the floor
Take a few steps away and get in position to roll your snowballs (socks!)
Play Away!!
Let’s see your creation! Show us by tagging us on social media using the tag #CQCampIn or emailing us at program@campquality.org Happy Craft & Play!
Your Friends at CQ.