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Programme Breaking Borders

​Camp Quality is excited to offer programs for Teens and Young Adults affected by childhood cancer across Ontario, Manitoba and Alberta. 

Camp Quality New Heights

Dates to be announced soon! 

We run an exciting weekend camp program in Southern Ontario, designed specifically for teens aged 14-17. Camp Quality New Heights offers a diverse range of teen leadership programming tailored to meet various needs. Our mission is to help campers gain a deeper understanding of themselves, build connections within their community, and apply the skills they develop at New Heights to their regional camps. New Heights is open to campers across Alberta, Manitoba​ and Ontario. Travel is provided.

*Campers must be registered for their regional summer camp week to attend the weekend program.

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Meet the Camp Director
Nat Photo


Your first year with CQ? Summer 2014!

Your favourite thing (or things) about camp? Camp is the best week(s) of my year! It is such a positive and supportive environment and the energy is amazing! It fills my bucket for the whole year!

What do you do outside of CQ (hobbies, work, etc.)? I like spending time with friends and family! I also like spending time with my family dog, she may be my favourite family member!

Favourite camp meal? Spaghetti and meatballs, preferable on Anything but Utensils night!

What are you most looking forward to for the 2025 season? Getting to meet new friends and reuniting with old ones! Camp is like a big family! Also I am so excited to see what amazing programming all the camps come up with!

Camp Quality New Heights est rendu possible grâce à une équipe de bénévoles toute l'année, qui planifient des programmes, recueillent des fonds, forment des bénévoles et offrent des programmes. Pour contacter certains membres de notre équipe, cliquez sur les noms orange ci-dessous.

Jenni Béharry, Co-directeur de camp

Katrina Villeneuve, coordonnatrice familiale

Tyler Pettenuzzo, coordonnateur de programme

Samantha Tripp, spécialiste du programme

Kristy Boisvert, spécialiste de programme 

Kelsey Huffman, Program Coordinator

Jenni Beharry, Camp Generalist

Katrina Villeneuve, Camp Generalist

Kaiya Nyabeze, Social Media Specialist

our supporters


$5000 - $9999

$1000 - $4999

The Alva Foundation

Care Camps Foundation

Rodd Brown

Initiales Camp Quality
Camp Quality Canada

Organisme de bienfaisance enregistré  

# 133423962RR0001

Nous joindre

T: 416-406-2267

TF: 1-866-738-8011

lundi à vendredi, 9h00 - 17h00 EST

1444 rue Queen E.,

Toronto, ON

M4L 1E1


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©2024 Camp Quality Canada. 

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